Preserved by strange alchemies from the far-flung XXth Aeon, the head of this legendary seer will utter strange and terrible prophecies for the benefit of any adventurer bold enough to consult it. When it speaks, its stentorian tones can mold and mutate the world around it, bringing mundane reality ever closer to its mad vision.
The head may be consulted once per day with a question relating to the following:
1. The past or future history/provenence of an object, NPC, building, or geographical feature. The answer may well be negated by PC actions/repurcussions of same.
2. The customs, mores, etc., of any society/culture/ethnic group,etc. known to the PCs, at any point in its past or future development.
3. What is going on, at this exact moment, in a location known to the questioner.
For every consultation, make two percentile rolls. The first gives the probability of an accurate answer (the head is notoriously unreliable) while the second represents the consultation attempt itself. If the answer is inaccurate, the GM is free to invent whatever outrageous bullshit he or she desires, but both accurate and inaccurate answers should be delivered in the same stentorian, overblown, and slightly delerious manner, with the PCs referred to as "friends", "my friends," "dear friends," etc.
After the oracular pronouncement has been given
If the second roll is an even number there is no additional effect. On an odd result, roll a d10 and consult the following chart ) :
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| At any point within the next session, one fact can be made retroactively true or false, up to and including death, dismemberment, purchases of vital equipment, and ill-considered fashion choices. |
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"My friend, we cannot keep this a secret any longer." The Head psychically scans the questioner, who must make a (whetever's appropriate for the system) save or yield up their deepest darkest secret, which the Head will decide to announce, in unsparing detail, at a time when it is least advisable.
| "Let us punish the guilty." As above, but all present must make the save. Of the characters who fail, anyone who's committed a shameful act (by the Head's Eisenhower-era standards) within the last 48 hours rolls twice and keeps the worse result for all rolls in the next 24 hrs. |
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Special Bonus! The Legendary Criswell Predicts Your Incredible Future (1970)