Monster 1 "Stenchfoot Clubhands"
Head: Horned beast (+1 Attack, 1d6 damage + stun on a charge)
Body: Shaggy beast (+1 Armor Class)
Arms/Legs: Gnarled ending in club-like protrusions (+2 Attacks, 1d8 damage + save vs. stun)
Hit Dice: 4
AC: 13
Attack Bonus: +5
# of Attacks: 3
Damage: horns: d6 + save vs. stun on a charge, clubhands: d8+ save vs. stun, clubfeet: d8+ save vs. stun.
Special: unholy stench (anyone in close combat takes 1d4 damage/round)
Vulnerabilities: Bleeder (loses d4 HP every round once injured)
Monster 2: "Skullface Freezytentacles"
Monster 2: "Skullface Freezytentacles"
Head: Fleshless skull (add Cause Fear to creature's abilities)
Body: Emanates freezing cold [anyone within close combat distances takes -1 to all rolls]
Arms/Legs: Writhing tentacles (+1d4 attacks, 1d4 damage + save vs. constriction)
Hit Dice: 2
AC: 12
Attack Bonus: N/A
# of Attacks: 2
Damage: tentacles: 1d4 + save vs. constriction
Special: Poisonous Touch, Cause Fear
Monster 3: "Shockmaster WitheredLizard"
Head: Fork-tongued reptile (+1 Attack, 1d4 damage + poison)
Body: Electric pulse [anyone hitting the monster with a metal weapon takes 1d6 points of damage]
Arms/Legs: Withered limbs ending in long, reaching fingers (+1 Attack, 1d6 damage + save vs. disease)
Hit Dice: 5
AC: 12
Attack Bonus: +7
# of Attacks: 2
Damage: tongue (1d4, save vs. poison,) hands (1d6, save vs. disease)
Special: Can use Invisibility 2x/day
I'm very proud of my babies and I can't wait to try to kill you with them.
Now roll 3d6 and squeeze out some fresh abominations.
*comparatively speaking